Best Homemade Recipes for Making Deep-Fried Oreos and Deep-Fried Twinkies in Less than 30 Minutes

The deep-fried Oreos and the deep-fried Twinkies – are staples in every American fair and slowly becoming a favorite at home and office parties. By following the steps in this article, you can make these delicious brown jewels that are worth every calorie and satisfy your longing from the comfort of your home without waiting for the fairs to come to town.

A deep-fried Oreo is a sweet or savory treat made of a chocolate sandwich cookie that has been battered and deep-fried. It turns out to be more like a melty donut or beignet with an Oreo inside and can be served with a variety of garnishes, the most popular of which being powdered sugar. 

The traditional snack cakes known as Twinkies are covered in a sweet batter and deep-fried until they are the right shade of golden brown to make deep-fried Twinkies.  This Article highlights the best and simplest homemade recipes for making delicious Deep-fried Oreos and Deep-fried Twinkies, a must-try for sweet lovers.

Deep-Fried Oreos 

You have probably at least heard of deep-fried Oreos, whether it was at the county fair, a neighborhood carnival, or an amusement park. Even now, high-end restaurants include them on their dessert menus. They are the height of dessert excess, of course, but despite this, they are nevertheless utterly delectable. Since making its debut at the Los Angeles County Fair and Texas State Fair, the deep-fried Oreo has spread throughout the world. 


This recipe calls for a pancake mix, which is a pre-made baking mix composed of flour, shortening, salt, sugar, and baking powder. It has a lot of uses and is very practical to have on hand in your pantry. In this instance, combined with a few other basic ingredients, creates the ideal batter for Deep Fried Oreos!

  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • 1 cup pancake mix
  • ⅔ cup whole milk
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 teaspoons vegetable oil
  • 18 Oreo cookies 


  • 18 Oreo cookies should be frozen for roughly an hour. ( this is optional, it’s not necessary to freeze the Oreos before frying them. Oreos that have been frozen before being used will result in firmer fried Oreos than those that have been used at room temperature. Both work well and are dependent on personal preference.)
  • Heat a large, heavy saucepan to 375 degrees Fahrenheit and add 2-3 inches of cooking oil. 
  • In a large bowl, whisk together the pancake mix, milk, egg, and 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil. ( some pancake mixtures require just water so you should check before adding the milk and egg.) To prevent seeing through the cookie through the batter, ensure you completely cover it with the mixture. 
  • Drop the coated cookies into the hot oil one at a time, carefully, and fry just until golden brown on each side. Remove the cookie from the oil, and then drain it on paper towels. When still warm, sprinkle with confectioners’ sugar or any other topping of choice and devour.  
  • The batter needs to be sufficiently thick to easily cover the Oreos.

Add a bit more milk to thin the batter if necessary, and a little more pancake mix to thicken it.  If you have the instant crumb mix you just need 2 Tbsp of Granulated Sugar, 1/2 tsp of Baking Powder, 1.4 tsp of Salt, 1 Egg, and 3/4 cup of Whole Milk (1 cup if the batter is too thick).

Deep-Fried Twinkies

Think about indulging in a luscious and crunchy fried Twinkie if you can’t resist the creamy filling of a moist Twinkie. Deep-fried Twinkies are a carnival and fair classic and one of the ultimate comfort meals. Fortunately, since they are so simple to create, you don’t have to wait for a summer fair to enjoy these treats.


  • 6 Twinkies
  • Popsicle sticks (optional)
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar
  • 1 Tablespoon oil
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder


  • Before frying Twinkies, freeze them for at least two hours (or even overnight).
  • Your Deep fryer with the vegetable oil should be heated to roughly 375°F.
  • Combine milk, vinegar, and oil.  Do the same for flour, salt, and baking powder but in a separate bowl. Mix the dry ingredients with the wet ones until smooth. As the oil is heating, refrigerate.
  • Insert stick lengthwise into Twinkie, leaving about 2 inches for a handle. Apply or dust with flour, then dunk into the batter.
  • Turn the Twinkie until the entire cake is covered in batter. Place with caution in hot oil. It will float, so use a utensil to keep it underneath so that it browns evenly. You may only be able to cook one or two at a time; it should turn golden in three to four minutes.
  • Remove Twinkie and place it on a paper towel to drain. Before serving, take out the stick and give Twinkie around five minutes to sit. Don’t forget your dusting of powdered sugar.

If you don’t have or want to use the popsicle stick, you can just place it in the hot oil carefully. If you have an instant crumb mix then your recipe is simply 1 egg, 1 cup milk, 2 teaspoons oil, and 1 ½ cups pancake mix. Enjoy!!

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